Photogravure with aquatint, three plates, eight colors, printed on Fabriano Rosaspina paper, 22.5" x 18" (15" x 11" image)

Lithograph 54 x 42 inches

Plate lithography printed on Rives BFK 30 x 22 inches

Photogravure with aquatint, three plates, eight colors, printed on Fabriano Rosaspina paper, 22.5" x 18" (15" x 11" image)
Mahaffey Fine Art offers a range of fine art printmaking services for individual artists, publishers, and publishing organizations. Specializing in innovative combinations of traditional print techniques and experimental image making methods, we offer collaborative fine printing in lithography, intaglio, vitreography, monotype, and relief processes.
Project costs include project development in collaboration with Master Printer Mark Mahaffey, plate processing, proofing and final edition printing. Every project is individualized to fit the artist's specific requirements and vision. Based on complexity and scope of each project, prices vary.
Please contact us to discuss your ideas so we can outline costs and associated considerations for you. If you are considering a fine art printmaking project, or are curious about how your work may adapt to printmaking, we invite you to arrange a complimentary consultation by contacting us mfaprints@gmail.com.